Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sunrise, Sunset

So, last month, new Environment PCTs (Peace Corps Trainees) and new Health PCTs arrived here in Morocco. Since then, they've been learning how to speak Darija and Berber, and have been adjusting to life in Morocco. I met some of them this past weekend. Knowing the challenges I've faced, and the changes I've experienced, since arriving in Morocco, and especially how much more comfortable I feel now in comparison to various points in my first few months in Morocco, I encouraged some of them to remember that their feelings will almost certainly continue to evolve as time passes.

In addition to enjoying meeting them, this past weekend I also had the very enjoyable experiences of meeting PCVs for the very first time who have been here for over two years. They had just left their towns for the last time when I met some of them this past weekend. They were traveling north on their way out of Morocco, since they are closing, or finishing, their service, nearly having reached their COS (Completion Of Service, or Close Of Service) dates. I was glad that I got to meet them before they left Morocco (indeed, I met some of them just in time!) since I feel that they are among the new friends I made this past weekend.

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