Monday, June 21, 2010

The envelope, s'il vous plaît...

Greetings to one and all,

Today I received the big blue envelope with the invitation to serve in the Peace Corps, and... I'm going to Morocco!

Scheduled to leave the USA in mid-September... with at least part of the assignment involving teaching English! Yeah!!!

I'm really looking forward to it, and will be writing more soon... I just have a lot to look over here, so if you will please excuse me!

A bientot...


  1. Wow, great to hear that - and congratulations are in order! Great job, I'm really excited for you.

  2. Wahooo!!! That is awesome, Dougie! Many congrats. Yippeee!

  3. I'm going to Morocco too!!! Are you going to be a youth development volunteer?? I can't wait for September!!

  4. Doug, that's great!
    And you won't be far from fun in Eurpoe/the mediterranean, if you are so inclined...

  5. Hey I randomly selected your blog from Peacecorpswiki and it was strange to read your most recent post because I myself an currently a youth development volunteer in Morocco. You can take a look at my blog or contact me with any questions.

  6. Doug,
    Congratulations!! Thanks for letting me know about your new adventure, and for sharing this blog (especially as I continue to resist joining facebook). I will look for more news here. Much love to you,

  7. Hey Doug, I look forward to being an armchair vounteer. Virignia
